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Career as Art Therapist

Stream : Arts, Design & Fashion
Sub Stream : Fine Arts

Art Therapist

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that employs the creative process of making art as a therapeutic modality. The expressive arts allow clients to develop self-awareness and explore emotional, cognitive, physical, and interpersonal issues.

The field of art therapy is diverse and not limited to creating artwork. Art therapists are trained in a variety of art media including painting, ceramics, drawing, photography, mixed media and sculpture. The creative process is used as an avenue for understanding thoughts, feelings and relationships with others.

Art therapists work with people who have a range of mental, emotional and behavioral health problems. They use art to help patients express themselves and find meaning in their lives. Art therapy is also used in schools, prisons, and veteran's hospitals.

Art therapists are not eligible for jobs in India as per the National Council for Vocational Qualification (NCVT) guidelines. The NCVT does not recognize art therapy as a profession.

However, there is scope of growth for this profession in India because the demand for mental health professionals is increasing day by day.

The payscale of an art therapist varies depending on their specialization and experience level, but they can earn up to $38 per hour or $75K annually.

The art therapist works with people who are under the care of a physician or other medical professional. The art therapist helps to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being through the use of art.

Art therapists are not eligible for this profession in India.

Art therapists are trained in both art and psychology. They use various techniques to help people express their feelings through art.

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the creative process of drawing, painting, sculpting, or other artistic media to improve a person's mental health or emotional well-being. It is used as an adjunct to psychotherapy or other therapeutic treatment. Art therapists may be qualified mental health professionals, such as psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses and counselors.

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Check if your skills are appropriate for Art Therapist. There is scope and opportunity in every career if it matches your Interest, personality, and aptitude.

We follow a top to bottom approach. Our career counselors in the face to face counseling session would first discuss whether Art Therapist is a suitable career option for the student/child or not. If the reports show that child does have the aptitude, personality, and interest required for this particular career, then the counselor will guide him/her about the scope, job opportunities for Art Therapist and also help with the entrance exams, colleges, courses, private tutors, etc for this career.

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